About Me

Who am I?

Hey, my name is Vissarion. I am a programmer and wanna-be hacker and I love sports, books and movies.

What I do?

I am currently doing my Computer Science MSc in TU Delft, specializing in Cyber Security. I also have a BSc from NKUA, Greece in Computer Science. I have studies various topics in the tech field mainly focusing on some Data Science stuff but I am more interested in Cyber Security and especially the technical aspect of it. After all, who doesn’t want to be a hacker!? I have some work experience as a DevOps engineer and a IT Security Engineer, while currently I do a bunch of CTF stuff when I am not studying for uni.

What this blog is about?

The purpose of this blog is dumbing a bunch of notes on tech stuff I randomly bumping onto and providing writeups for various CTF challenges. Since I have been learning so much from the online community I though of starting a record of my learning progress as well and give back to the cyber security community. I am planning on recording as much as I can and I will write here only for fun, so maybe the material of this blog will vary depending on the mood.